Youth Helping Youth
Welcome to Youth Helping Youth!
Youth Helping Youth is a student-led club dedicated to encouraging all East Haddam youth to make healthy life choices by being positive role models and providing opportunities for youth to connect with each other and their community.
Have fun with your friends while volunteering at fun events, developing leadership skills, and earning community service hours.
Guide to freshmen year below:
Freshman FAQ’s
*Answers may change due to Covid restrictions.
Where do I go in the morning?
Before the bell rings, students should gather in the cafeteria. Tip from the seniors-wherever you sit on the first day tends to be the spot you’ll continue to sit, so get there early on the first day for a good spot. The same typically applies with lunch tables.
What is lunch like?
Lunch comes in 3 waves. Before C/G block, in the middle of C/G block, or after C/G block. Your C or G block teacher will tell you what your lunch wave is, as that entire class will have the same lunch. The school lunches are almost buffet style, there are a few selections of foods and sides and you tell the lunch ladies which combination you want. There are also sandwiches or salads that you can customize this way too. Don’t be afraid of the lunch ladies.
What do the school days look like?
There are Day 1’s, and Day 2’s. Day 1’s have your A-D block classes, and Day 2’s have E-H block. The days alternate. If a school day is missed, so is that day. For example if Monday is a day 1, Tuesday is a day 2. If school is cancelled on Monday, Tuesday will still be a day 2. You can find the school’s schedule of day 1’s and 2’s online.
RISES is a study hall-like block. You can do your homework or visit other teachers for makeup work. Teachers can also assign you to their RISES classes for makeup work. If you are failing a class, you’ll have to go to that teacher for RISES. Otherwise, you go to your TRIBES classroom for RISES.
TRIBES is a small group of peers who does team bonding activities and learns about topics given by the guidance office. TRIBES is on Fridays, and RISES is on the other days. These take place after A/E block.
What is the phone policy?
This will vary by teacher. Some teachers don’t want to see them, and will take them if you use them. Others don’t care if your phone is on your desk(turned off), and during breaks or after a test you might be able to use it. Ask upperclassmen for the specifics.
If I have a question on my schedule, where do I go?
Go to the guidance office, to the right of the main office.
If I get to school late, what do I do?
Go to the attendance office with Mrs. Hickey. As you walk into the building through the main doors, turn right to face the window before going through the second set of doors.
What if I don’t know who to go to for my question?
Go to the main office, go straight from the main entrance, and ask Mrs. Tomasi at the desk. She’ll tell you where you can get your question answered.
What’s the deal with lockers?
Most students don’t use lockers. We carry our bags around. Most students prefer this because the lockers are small. If you want, you can request a locker from the main office.
How do I find out about clubs?
Checkout bulletin boards, look for club fair, ask guidance for a “program of activities”. Senior tip-join clubs earlier if you can, it’ll make it less awkward
More tips:
- Try an AP (advanced placement) class early. It bulks up your college resume and prepares you for life after high school. You can take AP’s starting as early as sophomore year. Don’t underestimate your abilities!
- Don’t be afraid to run for officer positions in clubs
- Get in the habit of checking Gmail and Google Classroom. Also download the Classroom app for notifications by teachers about homework
- Talk to your teachers if you think they gave you the wrong grade